Category: Info Articles

Raw Land vs. Residential Lots for Sale: Which Has More Potential?

Why Walt Disney Built a Theme Park on Swampland

Everyone is well aware that real estate is one of the most sensible investments one can make. Some may wonder, however, if buying undeveloped land is still considered a wise business decision. The staff explains that raw land investment paid off for Walt Disney:

Why Buying Empty Cape Coral Lots For Sale Boosts Your Home’s Potential

The Advantages of Buying Vacant Land

It’s ironic that buying vacant Cape Coral lots for sale somehow requires more spadework than purchasing a pre-existing structure. Demand Media’s Steve Lander writes about how empty lots can become chock-full of investment opportunities, in his article for Global Post:

The Timeless Value of Investing in Cape Coral Waterfront Real Estate

cape coral waterfront

Spending a few days at a nice place near the coast is always a wonderful prospect. Now imagine owning that place and having access to it all year round. And now, imagine this scenario: You do not only own that nice place, but it’s earning money for you, too. Few would turn down such an… Read more »