A new house on a beautiful lot is a significant investment; for this, you’ll have to choose your lot wisely. Fortunately, there’s always some interesting residential Cape Coral lots for sale that should prove great as an investment property or a nice lot on which to build your dream home. One of the attractions of these residential lots in Cape Coral is that not a few of them are waterfront properties.

Living by the sea or lake or any living body of water has several health benefits. A 2012 study published in the Health and Place Journal shows that those living within a half-mile of a seashore generally feel better physically than those living thirty miles inland. The reasons for this can range from the refreshingly bracing sea air to the fact that living near any clean body of water encourages and attracts water sports activities, or at least, more outdoor exercises, such as walking.
Having a waterfront property provides easy access to water-based recreation, such as sailing and fishing, which would be great for sportsmen and water sports-loving families alike. Waterfront real estate has always been an attractive investment; according to the real estate site, Zillow.com, in the 90s, beachside lots were worth 69 percent more than their inland counterparts. Nowadays, that figure has jumped up to a whopping 119 percent.
With all of these potential advantages, people looking for good real estate should be checking out the available waterfront lots for sale in Cape Coral. If you want to buy a residential lot in the area, you will want to keep a few things in mind. First, consider where you want to build your home. Consider the neighborhood and the community services you will need should you decide to build a home on the lot. For example, if you have children, you will have to look at nearby schools, libraries, and hospitals.
Second, you’ll have to be there to check the lot itself. A photo isn’t enough. You’ll want to walk around the property and get the feel of the place. This gives you a handle on the local conditions and whether the lot itself feels right and secure.
Third, get professional advice. Real estate specialists like Kevin Page, broker-owner of Cape Coral Lots can help locate properties for you that fit your requirements. Experienced realtors can help you throughout the process, from viewing to closing, including the negotiations and paper works in-between. With their assistance, you can have a seaside property in no time at all.
(Source: Living near the beach has its health benefits, Examiner.com)